Rex Ryan Gets Fined $50,000 for "Flipping the Bird"

Rex Ryan is a victim of modern-day technology, and political correctness.

After a Dolphins fan berated Ryan at an MMA event, Ryan did not respond by beating him to a bloody pulp, as he probably could. He did not fly off the handle and cuss the guy out, even though, by all accounts, he certainly deserved it.

Instead, he flipped him off and quietly continued enjoying the fight.

Well we hope it felt good for Rex, because the New York Jets have fined him $50,000 for the gesture.

It’s an absolutely insane response to the situation by the Jets, who could have just as easily told everyone to go to H-E-double hockey sticks (or, you know, flipped them off), but instead they decided to appease the ignorant masses and fine him for it.

The NFL is apparently still mulling around throwing their own fine at Ryan, but the Jets may actually helped by getting to him first. Titans’ owner Bud Adams was fined $250,000 for flipping off Bills fans, but that was during a game and would be expected to bring about more extreme repercussions.

Still, if up to the NFL, Ryan could have faced a $100,000 fine and perhaps even more. And, actually, he still could.

We’re all for holding coaches to a higher standard, protecting the NFL brand and all of that, but this is ridiculous.