Every so often, a story surfaces showcasing instances where sports are taken beyond the field (or court) of play, and affect everyday life.
In the light of Super Bowl XLIV, Brandon Frost (17), was sent home for seemingly wearing the wrong jersey in his Louisiana High School. A memeber of the school board claims the student was not sent home, but was rather told that he could not wear the Indianapolis jersey.
Regardless of being sent home or not, the kid should have been allowed to wear any jersey he’d like.
According to reports, the Principal had encouraged the student body to wear the Saints black and gold color scheme to school.
Frost, who moved to Louisiana three years ago from Indianapolis according to reports, decided that he would wear his Colts jersey, to show support for his team. That was deemed intollerable by the school’s principal.
Frost claims that the principal pulled him from class, and disciplined him angrily.
“I don’t recall saying you could wear a Colts jersey on Black-and-Gold day,” the principal said according to Frost.
Frost even said he thought he heard the principal utter something along the lines of “if you like Indiana so much, why don’t you go back?”
While the principal was clearly stepping over the line with his assessment and action taken toward the situation, this case isn’t entirely one-sided.
Maurepas High School does have a dress code that was, for this instance only, slightly lenient to allow students to show support for their Saints who play the Colts this Sunday for the Vince Lombardi Trophy. It appears as though Frost was aware that his blue jersey would not be allowed, and was just being a bit rebellious.
Frost will not be getting any type of negative mark on his school record, nor will he face consequences at home from his parents.
Frost’s Father was quoted saying, “Louisiana would be proud of him anyway, He wore (LSU alumni) Joseph Addai’s jersey.”