Tennessee Titans’ Cortland Finnegan Gets What He Deserves

Week in and week out, Cortland Finnegan is one of the dirtiest players in the league. He relies on taking cheap shots and trash talk to get anything done, and it was only a matter of time before someone popped him for it.

That someone was Houstan Texans’ receiver Andre Johnson.

Johnson is usually a soft-spoken guy who just goes out and does his job. But after Finnegan popped Johnson in the helmet one too many times, Johnson had enough and gave Finnegan what he’s deserved for a long time. A few good hits later, both players were ejected and we’ll see what happens from here.

Because Johnson clearly got the better of the fight, he could wind up getting suspended. I do think, however, that Finnegan’s reputation and Johnson’s lack of prior offenses will save him. At worst, I expect Johnson to get a heavier fine than Finnegan.

Finnegan has been overrated since he came out strong a couple years ago with a bunch of interceptions in the first month of the season. After that first month he trailed off and really hasn’t been impressive since. He’s a decent tackler, but anything he does well is overshadowed by the fact that he’s nothing but a punk.

He’d been getting punked all day on the field by the best receiver in the game, and then got punked when he tried to take out his frustrations on the best receiver in the game.

It’s about damn time.