Peyton and Eli Manning Star in New Police Drama, ‘Football Cops’


You know that the NFL players desperately need the lockout to end when two of the sports top players star in a show coming only to Direct TV. Brothers Peyton and Eli Manning are doing just that as they star in a new show called “Football Cops.”

As it stands now, there are three full episodes available to watch on the website. It really gets out of hand when you see there are desktop wallpapers and buddy icons for people to download. Let’s hope no one actually downloads that stuff to their computer.

I’m sure you can all tell this show seems like a really bad idea, but just in case you weren’t sure here is a brief summary of the plot:

"Peyton and Eli Manning star in this action-packed drama about two former pro football players who bring their unique brand of law enforcement to one of the country’s toughest neighborhoods. Mike Tahoe (Peyton Manning) was living the dream as a big league quarterback, until a personal tragedy brought him back to the mean streets of his childhood. Vowing to bring those who wronged him to swift justice, he enlists the help of his best friend, and biggest rival, C.J. Hunter (Eli Manning). Both grew up together as orphans in a home for wayward boys. Both overcame the odds to become huge sports stars. Now both are the only hope for the rugged streets they once again call home."

Ummm… yeah. Please end the lockout. Peyton and Eli are ruining football players credibility like Charlie Sheen ruined “Two and a Half Men.” Just for good measure, I hope you all check out the trailer after the jump to see just how embarrassing this “Football Cops” nonsense really is.