The Penn State rape scandal continues to get more and more disgusting. In the most recent development, rumors are surfacing that former defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky, the man who sexually assaulted and raped nearly twenty young boys, was pimping boys from his charity to rich donors. Does it get much more disgusting than this?
Pittsburgh radio host Mark Madden brought the allegations to light when being interviewed on The Dennis and Callahan Show. What he revealed was not only unthinkable, but it was even more shocking and disgraceful than what the media has been reporting thus far. Here is what Madden had to say:
“I can give you a rumor and I can give you something I think might happen,” Madden said. “I hear there’s a rumor that there will be a more shocking development from the Second Mile Foundation — and hold on to your stomachs, boys, this is gross, I will use the only language I can — that Jerry Sandusky and Second Mile were pimping out young boys to rich donors. That was being investigated by two prominent columnists even as I speak.”
It didn’t stop there.
Madden spoke more of the cover up regarding the scandal and it is even more sickening that so many men knew about this and did not do a thing.
“The other thing I think that may eventually become uncovered, and I talked about this in my original article back in April, is that I think they’ll find out that Jerry Sandusky was told that he had to retire in exchange for a cover-up,” Madden said. “If you look at the timeline, that makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?
“My opinion is when Sandusky quit, everybody knew — not just at Penn State,” Madden added. “I think it was a very poorly kept secret about college football in general, and that is why he never coached in college football again and retired at the relatively young age of 55. [That’s] young for a coach, certainly.”
What happened was unspeakable and truly shocking. The fact that grown men in powerful positions allowed this behavior to continue is even more despicable. I mean, Jerry Sandusky was even in the hallways of Penn State as recently as a week ago. How could they let this happen?
One thing is for sure, everyone will get what is coming to them. You know what they say about karma. I can’t wait to see justice for the victims.