Why Do NFL Players Make So Much Money?

Ever wonder why NFL players get paid so much?

This is one of those questions that I was asked this week, so I thought I’d give you guys a brief look at the phenomenon that is player salaries.

When people go to the games, they pay alot of money for their tickets. When TV broadcasting contracts are make, these bring in even more money which is then paid for by advertisers paying them. All those t-shirts, hats, programs, etc. that you buy alll go towards the profit the league and owners make.

When it comes down to it, owners make alot of money off the NFL because of the players. Let’s face it, if the players weren’t any good, no one would pay to see it or tune in on television or buy merchandise.

But why do they get so much?

The reason lies in the world we live in. We all complain about how the price of stuff is always going up. Food, fuel, clothes, cars, electronics – it’s all the same. Because of this, people place a certain value on things.

The reason the NFL charges so much money for these things is they know that this is what people are willing to pay. If they didn’t charge enough, not only would they not make as much money, but also the amount they get from sponsorships and such goes down. If that happens, then the league as a whole has a problem because they need a certain amount of money to run as a business.

But in order to ensure they make enough money to run things efficiently, they need to pay players their fair share. Exactly what that fair share is depends on how much the league makes and this was why the players held out for more money last offseason.

So, to answer the question – players make so much money because the NFL makes alot of money. The NFL makes alot of money because they charge what people are willing to pay. After all – if as a player you are making millions of dollars for your team’s owner due to your play on the football field and you don’t get paid enough, why wouldn’t you just go somewhere else where someone is willing to pay you more because they want to make more?

When it all comes down to it… Players make alot of money because they earn it.

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