How Do The Fans Feel About Gregg Williams & ‘Bountygate’?


We have all heard recently the opinions of former players and analysis’s about the Saints placing bounties on opposing players, but where do the fans stand on this issue? I haven’t seen any yet, so I decided to ask a few people what they thought. They have very strong opinions about this, so here are their reactions. (I have been given permission to use their names, so a special shout out to November and my friend, Issac.)

Question: What is your opinion of the Saints placing bounties on players?

“I am a San Francisco 49ers fan. At first hearing about this I kinda shook it off as ‘Oh well that’s football.’ But then it started to sound very dark and almost hitman like. But the more I hear players talk from around the league it seems that no one has an issue with it. Brett Favre said it’s football. Kurt Warner said that defenders are trying to put him down on every play any way and that he doubts a ‘bounty would really make it any different.’ I’m not for ending a guy’s lively hood by any means but if this is what goes on and has gone on, why stop now? Lawrence Taylor tells stories of opposing teams sending hookers and drugs to his hotel rooms the night before games. Most of us have never been inside a college or pro locker room and don’t really know what’s going on. I’m not sure I need to know. From what I’ve heard it sounds like the players were the ones putting up the money. One thing is for sure and that is that the Dictator Roger Goodell is going to flex his muscles and throw his weight around on this one.”

–          Issac Peters, Alabama

“I don’t agree with the bounty on players but I think this is more the normal in football. The only reason the Saints are under the gun is because they got caught. All the hits that ESPN and the news have shown have been legal hits for the most part. I have yet to see a hit to the knees or somebody using their helmet as a weapon. Also let’s face it: Warner at 38 and Favre at 40 are senior citizens on the football field. They weren’t young men and neither one cried after either game. They both said the hits were legal. Again I don’t condone injuring an opponent for money. Let’s remember that Buddy Ryan allegedly did it in Philly and as far as intentionally trying to hurt opponents, let’s not forget how the Broncos were know for their chop blocking in the late 90’s and early 2000’s. They were hitting at the knees while an opponent was fighting another blocker. This is football.”

–          November Reign, Florida

Question: What do you think the NFL should do about this, the Saints in particular?

“Fines or suspensions for three weeks, maybe. Loss of draft picks is too much to me. It’s documented that the Saints’ owner ordered it to stop and the GM didn’t do it. Maybe the GM should be fined to show other GMs that they are not untouchable. But money is what motivates players, so hit them in the wallet.”

–          Issac

“Definitely a fine and loss of draft picks for the club. If the league can prove any hit was to hurt or injure another player then suspensions and fines for the offending player.”

He also went on to add, “I wouldn’t want a ring that way.”

–          November

What is your opinion on “Bountygate?” Be sure to let your voice be heard in the comment section.

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