Joe Flacco Isn’t The Best, But Where Does He Rank?

On Tuesday, Joe Flacco told WNST 1570 in Baltimore that he believes he’s the best quarterback in the NFL.

“I assume everybody thinks they’re a top-five quarterback,” Flacco said when asked where he thinks he ranks among NFL quarterbacks. “I mean, I think I’m the best. I don’t think I’m top five, I think I’m the best. I don’t think I’d be very successful at my job if I didn’t feel that way.”

He’s got a point. Whether players come out and say it or not, you have to believe you are the best at your position. Plus, he said that to a station in Baltimore, where he plays. When you’re talking to your fans, you talk bolder and make crazy predictions that you probably don’t mean, just ask LeBron.

Okay, Joe Flacco isn’t the best, so where does he really rank? Here’s my list of the best Quarterbacks in the NFL leading up to Flacco, that played last year. Sorry, Peyton.

  1. Tom Brady
  2. Drew Brees
  3. Eli Manning
  4. Aaron Rodgers
  5. Matthew Stafford
  6. Ben Roesthlisberger
  7. Joe Flacco

So, seventh best isn’t that bad. Especially with the group of guys ahead of Flacco. The only reason Big Ben is ahead of Flacco, one has a ring and one doesn’t.  If Joe Flacco can lead the Ravens to a Super Bowl win, then I think he can break the top five. But for now, I think he’s in a good spot.

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