Rex Ryan: New York Jets Have A Top Ten Defense


New York Jets head coach Rex Ryan is no stranger to confidence. Whether it be Super Bowl promises or claims that he has the best defensive unit in the NFL, Ryan has been making noise since he took over the Jets.

While Ryan has a history of being overly confident, he has calmed down a bit going into the 2012-13 season. However, that doesn’t stop him from showing that he still believes his team can have one of the top defensive units in the league.

Am I confident in our defense? Absolutely,” Ryan said per the Star-Ledger. “Granted, I said top five. That’s a given. I don’t care who’s out there. . . . That’s how confident we are. We have a great system, we have a great group of players and we have a great group of coaches.”

It seems surreal but Ryan is not ready to commit to the belief that he will have the number one defense in the NFL this season.

“Will we have the best defense in the league? I don’t know,” he said. “There are a lot of good defenses out there. I certainly think putting out that kind of defense is a goal of ours every year. We’ll see. I feel good. A lot of things have to happen. . . . We know that we’ve had a history here of wanting to have the best defense in the league, even though it has been only three years. That’s what we’re shooting for.”

This may just be the most modest we have seen Ryan in his career as a coach. He is still claiming that he will be coaching a top five defense but that claim seems mild in comparison to some of Ryan’s previous guarantees and predictions.