Pittsburgh Steelers: A Throwback to Their Playoff Quarterbacks

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Johnny Clement
December 21, 1947 – Divisional Game

Johnny “Zero” Clement made his debut in 1947 and led the Steelers to an 8-4 record and their first playoff berth in its 15-year existence.

Now, old school football is a lot different than new school football. Nowadays, players are so specialized that when you see a receiver throw a pass for a trick play, everyone ooh’s and aah’s. But not back in Clement’s day! Clement was the star tailback on the roster playing in 10 games that season, and led the team in both rushing yards (670) and passing yards (1,004). He also ranked third on the team with seven fumbles and one recovery. Beast.

Although Clement thrived on the gridiron during the regular season, his playoff debut fell short. Clement suffered a dislocated elbow in the final game of the regular season against the Chicago Bears, forcing him to play hurt in their game against cross-state rival, the Philadelphia Eagles.

Quick background: The Eagles and Steelers tied for first place in the Eastern Division and had to play a tie-breaking playoff game for the right to play in the NFL Championship Game. This was both teams’ first playoff appearance.

Because Clement wasn’t 100%, he completed only 4-of-6 passes for just 52 yards, and ran for 59 yards on 14 carries. Pittsburgh would lose 21-0 and wouldn’t make the playoffs again until 1972.

These days, when it comes to the Steelers, I know a 24-year playoff drought is unfathomable. But it’s good to know the truth about where you came from.

Fun facts:
– Before Clement played football, he was an officer in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II.
– Clement is the only Steelers player to have worn the number 0, thus giving him the nickname Johnny “Zero”
– Before leaving the Steelers in 1948 after suffering a neck injury, Clement and his family had moved 59 times in 7 years.

Next: Remember how epic the Blonde Bomber's playoff debut was?