The Dallas Cowboys are known as a first class organization. Now they can set the industry standard by treating their cheerleaders first class as well.
The Dallas Cowboys are a first class organization. Jerry Jones has run the team like a first class organization. He has demanded the best out of himself and every employee associated with the team. To be a Dallas Cowboy is to be a part of a family and an organization owned and operated as a family business.
Jones has been at the forefront of NFL ownership providing leadership when needed. There are countless times he has led the NFL out of the mirky waters of controversy. In the past year, he has led him team through the controversy of standing for the national anthem by having a unified team protest. He has taken on the issue of Roger Goodell’s leadership of the NFL and has attempted to make changes for the better. Now the NFL needs his leadership again.
The NFL needs Jerry Jones to guide them through the impending cheerleader controversy. Several cheerleaders from across the NFL are starting to file law suits against the team for what they believe has been unlawful workplace activities.
The cheerleader movement has not been organized. So far, it has been several different individual cheerleaders filing separate lawsuits against their respective teams. But should the cheerleaders unite into one lawsuit, the NFL will need to take notice.
First, let’s look at the issues.