Cornerback: Jalen Ramsey, Jacksonville Jaguars
Honestly, I’m surprised this one hasn’t happened already. In what seems like no time at all, Jalen Ramsey has already claimed his spot among the NFL’s premier cornerbacks. He’s got the toughness, the swagger and the cover skills needed to be the league’s highest paid at the position.
It’s just a matter of time — especially when you consider that he’s set to make only $3.6 million this season. He’s still on his rookie contract, and the Jacksonville Jaguars are getting quite the bargain. Unfortunately for their financial situation, that shouldn’t last long.
More than likely, he’ll have a new contract before the 2019 regular season rolls around. Despite occasional tension with the team and that he’s skipping voluntary OTAs, there’s no denying he’s deserving of a new deal. Paying him only $3.6 million in 2019 is highway robbery, and Ramsey knows it.
One way or another, Ramsey will be making the big bucks in the near future. Whether the Jaguars are giving it to him or someone else is, the former Florida State product will be the highest-paid cornerback before the 2020 season rolls around.