Wednesday marked the release of the Rams new uniforms and, much like their logo, Los Angeles is not going to win any new fans with their new look.
Earlier in the 2020 offseason, the Los Angeles Rams new logo was unveiled. And to say that it wasn’t met with much fanfare would be an understatement. Of course, the new logo also likely meant that new Rams uniforms were coming at some point this offseason.
Some point this offseason turned out to be on Wednesday as the Rams kicked off the morning with the release of their new uniforms. If you thought the reaction to the logo was bad when that happened, the reaction to LA’s new threads was even worse.
Before we get into that, you have to see the new Rams uniforms for yourself.
To say that fans and the general public were less than impressed would be a severe understatement. There was one blasting review of the new Rams uniforms after another on Twitter.
The Donald jersey legit maybe the worst ive ever seen. Numbers look like the writing on an ice cream cake
— Trill Withers (@TylerIAm) May 13, 2020
Holy crap did the Rams absolutely botch this entire thing.
— Clint Richardson (@Clintau24) May 13, 2020
- Trash logo
- Horrendous gradient
- bone horn isn't bad
- gradient on the uniform is awful
- the hell is the nametag patches???
- what is wrong with the white/grey shoulders?
Ugh. This was so simple.
What are the Rams doing? First, they release the worst logo in the NFL and now they release the worst uniform in the NFL? Oh, Rams fans must be going through it right now.
— Leo Luna (@LeoLuna93) May 13, 2020
One even came from former Houston running back Arian Foster, an NSFW response it should be said.
lol look like some shit they make for movies that can’t get the rights. the minneapolis invaders
— feeno (@ArianFoster) May 13, 2020
For what it’s worth, the Rams players appeared to be in favor of the new look, at least in the public eye. Cornerback Jalen Ramsey, quarterback Jared Goff, and wide receivers Cooper Kupp and Robert Woods all expressed favorable reviews of the new uniforms.
2020 Drip
— Jalen Ramsey (@jalenramsey) May 13, 2020
At the end of the day, though, it’s hard not to agree with the displeased fans about the new look in Los Angeles’ first year in the new stadium. These new Rams uniforms simply don’t look like an NFL team. Whether you want to call it Madden Create-a-Team, Arena Football League or B-list movie jerseys, they just look fake.
Perhaps the worst part about the uniforms, though, is that LA changed a perfectly good thing. They adopted the throwback uniforms as one of their primaries last season and that look is absolutely iconic. Sacrificing that for these abominations is not a great way to endear new fans. Put simply, no one in Los Angeles is going to want to be caught rocking one of these jerseys.