17. Pittsburgh Steelers
Perhaps the Pittsburgh Steelers should be happy with Chase Claypool. Sure, he had one of the biggest blunders in a game for a while when he decided it was better to celebrate himself gaining a first down rather than hurry to the line of scrimmage as the Steelers were trying to tie the game up down the stretch.
Claypool’s gaffe had everyone talking about him and his lack of awareness — as well as his big tantrum after when he was yelling at Trai Turner who was actually aware of what was going on in the game. The reason the Steelers should be thankful is that it took the attention away from the fact that they were completely blown away in the first 45 minutes of the game.
Pittsburgh’s big fourth-quarter nearly got them back into the game as they scored 21 in the final 15 minutes. But the real story was how inept they looked in the first three quarters. In the end, it led to another loss as they’re now sitting at 6-6-1.
They might not have a losing record but their roller-coaster season has been a tough one to deal with for their fans — and those who run the franchise. Chances are big changes are coming for them as they may need to admit it’s time to move on from Ben Roethlisberger.