Taking a look at the top 10 fantasy football rookies for dynasty play. Which rookies do you need to be prioritizing on your pre-draft boards?
Ok, I’ll admit it. Dynasty really isn’t my thing. Don’t misunderstand, I know what I am doing from a fantasy perspective. I’ve been playing this game for far too long to not know-how.
However, I cut my proverbial teeth on redraft and keeper. Dynasty is a somewhat new thing, at least relative to the year I started, 1990.
Dynasty is all about the long game. Some of these names may not contribute much, if anything in 2022, but could fall into a starting gig In 2023 or even earlier if injuries strike.
When that happens, you will want to be sitting on some of these guys, waiting. Much of fantasy relevance is about opportunity, and despite what might look on the surface to be not the most savory spot, 225 carries, even on a bad team is extremely valuable.
So let’s go! Here are my top 10 rookies for dynasty for 2022.
Fantasy Football dynasty ranking no. 10: Dameon Pierce RB- Houston Texans
Here ya go kids, what was I JUST talking about? Pierce may only be a fourth-round pick, and he may never have topped 106 carries at Florida, but Pierce also never had the backfield to himself there either.
Forget all of that. Pierce squats 705 pounds, benches 390, has a 37-inch vertical, and ran a 4.5.
This dude has all the tools. He was simply a casualty of the Dan Mullen era at Florida. He has tons of tread on the tires and almost no competition in Houston.
Does anyone think Rex Burkhead is going to stay healthy, or Marlon Mack is going to own this backfield? Nope.
Take Pierce and be prepared to get good carries on a bad team in 2022.