Agree or Disagree: ESPN makes their predictions on head coach openings

The World Wide Leader has some takes.
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Tennessee Titans -- Lions DC Aaron Glenn

What they said: "I've been told by a couple of people close to this situation to keep an eye on Glenn as a strong candidate. The Titans are casting a wide and diverse net, and this is one of the tougher ones to call at this point, but Glenn has appeal as a former player ... "

What we think: It's a fine, if not a little underwhelming, idea. The good news about Glenn is that he is almost-universally beloved by players: in a recent NFLPA poll, he was ranked the best coordinator in football. The Lions had a weird defensive this season -- they were one of the worst units in football against the pass, and one of the best against the rush. It sounds like it's a matter of when, not if, Glenn gets a job, too. But if the Titans really wanted to go with a beloved ex-player who coaches a mean defense, why did they fire Vrabel?