Chicago Bears: Drafting Caleb Williams would be a huge mistake

There are many who feel that the Chicago Bears should draft Caleb Williams because he is a "generational" talent. He isn't and drafting him would be a mistake.
UCLA v USC / Ryan Kang/GettyImages
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Does Williams even want to go to Chicago?

There is one concern that may be more important than the others -- does Williams even want to go to Chicago?

There are persistent reports about Williams and his camp not wanting to go to play for the Bears. They feel it would not be an ideal situation to get into. Of course, this is something that they all deny. However, the reports are still there. As they say, "Where there is smoke, there is fire."

First, we heard from Williams' father who made the audacious claim that Williams could forego the draft and play his final season at USC. That was ridiculous and likely was made to scare the Bears off. With the #1 pick projection, another season in college would just tarnish his appeal. We already saw how he took a hit after a 7-5 season and not performing as well as he did in 2022.

Later. there was a huge controversy that arose when FOX Sports radio host Colin Cowherd claimed that the Williams camp did not want to go to Chicago. That caused a huge furor and Williams' camp contacted Cowherd afterward. He ended up having to clarify that statement.

Cowherd said the next day that Williams and his camp did not want to seem like they were anti-Chicago. He went on to say that Williams and his camp have concerns about Chicago. Is it crazy to think that what Cowherd said the first day seemed awfully similar to what he said the next? It appears that Williams wanted to have his cake and eat it too.

After that, the narrative was that Williams and his people were not anti-Chicago and Cowherd was mistaken. However, we have this nugget by another FOX Sports personality, Jay Glazer.

"I told his people, you have a chance to go to Chicago, go to Chicago. If you win in Chicago, they will erect bridges for you, streets for you, tunnels for you. Are you kidding me? You'll be forever golden in that city, and it's a great city.

You want to go to a place like Chicago. How would you not want to go to a place like Chicago? Chicago is one of those rare places, man, where you have a chance to change your life forever by being engrained in that city."

Jay Glazer

If Williams was not anti Chicago, why would Glazer feel the need to tell him that information? If Williams liked Chicago Glazer would not have to sell the city to him. Why do we keep hearing these reports about Williams not liking Chicago?

It would be a huge mistake for the Chicago Bears to use the #1 pick on Williams. he is not the savior people think he is. No, he is not Patrick Mahomes. While one scout referred to him as another Johnny Manziel, that is not correct. Manziel had substance abuse problems as well as on-field struggles.


I see Williams as more of a Jay Cutler. Cutler had great potential. His attitude towards the media, fans, and his teammates rubbed people the wrong way. He did just enough to earn a big contract but could not get the Bears over the top. Williams could be the same player with unfulfilled potential.