When will the 2024 NFL Schedule get released?

Let's dive into some information related to the 2024 NFL Schedule.
2024 NFL Draft - Rounds 2-3
2024 NFL Draft - Rounds 2-3 | Gregory Shamus/GettyImages

The date of the NFL Schedule being released for a given season usually happens around the same time in May. Let's look at when we can expect the schedule for the 2024 season. For the 2023 season, the NFL released the schedule on May 11th, which ended up being the second Thursday in that month. Well, since we're at Thursday, May 2nd today, it might be wise to expect the schedule for the 2024 NFL Season to be released on week from now on May 9th.

Here's a good bit of information on the schedule release from thelines.com:

"The NFL has made a spectacle of its schedule release in recent years and this year should be no different. Expect the NFL schedule release date to be in the early portion of May. It will likely take place after the Draft, which will take place from Thursday, April 25 to Saturday, April 27 this year.

Wednesday and Thursday have been popular days in recent years for the NFL to release its schedule. Expect this year’s NFL schedule release date to be on or around Thursday, May 9."
Matt Burk

Last year, the schedule came out, officially at 8:00pm EST, so that's likely when the 2024 schedule will be announced. Before that, though, there will certainly be a ton of leaks, some accurate, and some not. It's up to you, the reader, whether or not you choose to believe those leaks or if you'd just prefer to wait until the real thing comes out.

Since the NFL does like to make a big production out of everything, as Matt Burke notes, you have to figure that the schedule release will be dramatic, and surely every single fan will be happy with the schedule their team got (obvious sarcasm).

Let's expect the 2024 NFL Schedule to be release on May 9th, around 8:00pm EST.